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Hi and welcome!


Is your child struggling at school, leaving you wondering how things could be different? Or perhaps you’ve already stepped away from mainstream education but still find your days overshadowed by worry? I know how difficult it can be to embrace learning outside of school while navigating deeply ingrained beliefs around education, parenting, and life—both yours and everyone else’s!


It’s incredibly hard not to question yourself, wondering if you're doing enough, making the right choices, or providing what your child needs to thrive. And the truth is, the stumbling block to learning outside of school is rarely the child. More often, the challenges lie within us—the parents—bound by old beliefs and reactive patterns.


If we want our children to be happy, to be themselves, to learn in ways that suit them, and to grow into confident, capable adults, we must learn how to genuinely support and accompany them. In a society that often wants to fix the child, we overlook that the real shift starts with us. When we make that shift, life becomes more joyful, learning more meaningful, and our connection with our children deepens. Letting go of all the “shoulds” allows us to see who our child really is. This is our own deschooling work.


So whether you are already home educating, unschooling, or just curious, I hope you find something in these pages to help you create a life that truly works for you and your child.




What is unschooling?


Unschooling is all about trusting in our children's innate ability to learn and respecting and supporting their unique way of being, their passions, choices and values.

Why do we need to deschool?


Most of us have a lot of fear and deep conditioning around children, learning and parenting. These fears can prevent our children, and ourselves from really thriving. 

How does mindfulness help?


Deschooling is hard work! Mindfulness gives us the tools to support us as we delve deep into places that can be challenging. And, it helps us stay compassionate to ourselves.

Every two weeks, I chat with an unschooling parent about their experiences of learning beyond school. Together, we deep dive into all the topics that typically come up when we leave the school environment, from how children learn, to meeting the needs of our neurodivergent children, to  dealing with our own deep conditioning. 

Join the conversation!

Image by Bookblock


​Unlock a new way of living and learning with your children!​
Starts Friday October 18th, 2024​

Are you ready to embrace a transformative approach to parenting? The Mindful Deschooling course will help you create a life of connection, joy, and learning with your children. Over five weeks together, we'll delve into the science of learning, understand how to support our children's natural curiosity, and start to unravel the old patterns that keep us stuck in old fears and worries.


This course is perfect for parents who:

  • Love the idea of unschooling but struggle to trust the process

  • Worry about their children's learning and future

  • Feel overwhelmed or full of doubts

  • Want more joy and ease in their family life


Through fun and supportive interactive sessions, you'll learn to:

  • Create an environment where your child can thrive

  • Use mindful practices to turn challenges into opportunities for growth

  • Unravel old beliefs that hold you back

  • Cultivate self-compassion during difficult moments

"I felt like your workshop gave a lot of permission for us to trust in ourselves, just as we are learning to trust that our children can trust themselves. There’s so much freedom when we can let go of trying to control how we think things ‘should/could’ go."



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