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Free to Learn by Peter Gray

Peter Gray explores the importance of play and self-directed learning in this book, and he discusses how these elements contribute to a child's overall development and challenges the conventional education system.


Deschooling Society by Ivan Illich

Although not specifically about unschooling, this classic work challenges the institutionalization of education and offers alternative perspectives on learning and society.


Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto

In this book, John Taylor Gatto, a former teacher and New York State Teacher of the Year, criticizes the traditional education system and advocates for alternative approaches, including unschooling.


How Children Learn and Learning All the Time by John Holt

John Holt is considered one of the pioneers of the unschooling movement. In this book, he shares his thoughts on how children are naturally curious and how learning can be a continuous, joyful process.


Changing our Minds by Naomi Fisher

Child psychologist, Naomi Fisher, brings together research, theory and practice about self-directed learning. It includes examples from families alongside studies and research in cognitive psychology, biology and sociology, and is a practical guide to parents looking to explore self-directed learning. 



Untigering by Iris Chen

Iris Chen shares her journey of leaving behind the authoritarian parenting model she herself was brought up in to embrace a respectful, relational way of raising her children. 


Raising Free People by Akilah S. Richards

Through her own family's journey,  Akilah S. Richards explores mindful parenting, self-directed learning, and the deep and liberating power of deschooling. Richards looks at how unpicking conventional parenting norms and power-over dynamics is a de-colonial and healing practice.


18 An Unschooling Experience by Marta Obiols

An unschooling mother of three, Marta Obiols reflects on her family's journey to unschooling, how it has looked for her children and for herself, as her eldest son turns 18.


Jump, Fall, Fly by Lehla Eldridge and Anthony Eldridge-Rogers

This book recounts the authors' path with their three children, from traditional schools, home schooling and then to unschooling, with lots of travel on the way. They explain the challenges and the rich learning experiences they encountered along the way.




Psychologist and author, Peter Gray, has produced some interesting research around unschooling. He writes a regular column for Psychology today, where you can read many of his articles about unschooling and self-directed learning. He has two pieces of research about grown unschoolers:

Grown Unschoolers' Experience with Higher Education and Employment

Grown Unschoolers' Evaluations of Their Unschooling Experiences



Alliance of Self-Directed Education 

The Alliance for Self-Directed Education (ASDE) is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to increasing accessibility and awareness of self-directed education as a way of living and learning, and connecting the communities and voices of the movement. It's based in the US.



Living Joyfully with Pam Laricchia


The Unschool Files with Meghan


Unschooling Mom2Mom with Sue Patterson



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